Personalize with AI
Create personalized icebreakers for more engaging prospecting messages.
You can personalize outreach messages to prospects with our Open AI integration. Add your API Key and create any custom prompts you want to use, or use our proven default prompts to create engaging content.
Open AIEnrichment
Select "Personalize with AI" and "Profile Scraper" to create personalized icebreakers for your outreach messages. Additionally, select "Linkedin Profile Finder" if you do not already have their Linkedin Profile URL as a part of your source data.
Linkedin Account ID
Enter the Linkedin Account ID of the account you want to use to scrape the Linkedin profiles.
Connect a New Linkedin AccountTo get the Linkedin Account ID simply click "Show Campaign Helper" and scroll down to "Accounts" and click to open the dropdown. Paste the value of the account you want to use in the Linkedin Account ID.
Personalize With
Choose which fields you want to use for personalization. The available personalizations are
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