Data Cleaning Analytics

You can get analytics on lists run through Big Brain. The analytics will update so you can see how the data is flowing.

If Contacts Imported to Big Brain says 0 for an extended period of time, you may not have correctly configured your data cleaning. Edit the list and check your inputs if thsi number does not change.


Contacts Currently in Source

A count of the contacts currently in the source file.

If you overwrite the source file, this number will be updated to 0 as they are no longer currently in the source file. If they've already been imported to Big Brain.

Contacts Imported into Big Brain

A count of the contacts from your sources that have been imported to Big Brain.

Contacts who Passed Filters

A count of the remaining contacts who passed your filter setup.

Contacts Removed By Filters

A count of contacts removed by your filter setup.

Contacts who have been Verified

A count of contacts who have had their email verified.

This number will be 0 if you didn't select email verification in the enrichment section.

Contacts Waiting to Be Verified

A count of contacts still being processed by the email verifier.

Contacts with Good Emails

Contacts who had either a Valid or Accept All email verification status

These contacts will be kept if you have email verification turned on.

Contacts with Bad Emails

Contacts who had either a Unknown, Invalid or Not Found email verification status.

These contacts will be removed if you have email verification turned on.

Valid Emails

A count of contacts with valid emails with the highest chance of delivering.

Accept All Emails

A count of contacts with accept all / catch all / unverifiable emails.

Check out this article on why you should send to accept all emails.

Invalid Emails

A count of contacts with invalid emails.

Unknown Emails

A count of contacts with unknown emails.

Not Found Emails

A count of contacts who count not be found by the email verifier.

Last updated