
Limits on Linkedin Messages

Message Type

Connection Request

100 / week

Follow Up

No limit, but can only be sent to people you've connected with.

Paid inMail

50-100 / month, depending on your Sales Navigator account

Free inMail

Up to 900 per month to people with open profiles

Connection Requests

Send connection requests to people outside of your network and invite them to be part of your network. You can send ~100 connection requests per week, or ~400 connection requests per month.

Follow Up Message

You can send follow up messages to people who accept your connection requests. There is no limit on follow up messages, but you can only send them to people within your network.

Linkedin gives you a certain number of inMails per month that can be used to send to people outside of your network.

Free inMail to Open Profiles

Free inMails do not count toward your stated inMail limit - think of them like bonus messages, but they can only be sent to people with an open profile. You can send up to 900 Free inMail messages per month.

What is an open profile?

An open profile is a privacy setting for a Linkedin profile, where they have chosen to make it so anybody can message them, rather than only allowing people they are connected with to message them.

Last updated