
We can apply filters that are more strict than our initial search allowed in the Filters section of the app.


Separate filters with a comma space between each.

Title Contains

Title Contains requires at least one of the keywords to be in the title of the prospect, or they will be removed from the final list.

Example: ceo, chief executive officer

Titles have many variations, so use this filter sparingly when your search by title is narrow to avoid over-filtering your list. Title Not Contains is a better fit for most searches.

Title Not Contains

Title Not Contains removes prospects from the final list if any of the keywords are in their title.

Example: assistant, office of

When filtering for the Upwork Auto Apply bot, only use Title Contains and Title Not Contains. This will apply your keyword filters on both the job title and job description.

Company Not Contains

Company Not Contains removes prospects from the final list if any of the keywords are in their company name.

Example: digital, staffing, agency

Website Not Contains

Website Not Contains removes prospects from the final list if their domain has any of the keywords listed.

Example: .edu, .gov, .org

Global Filters

Global filters are the filters you want to remove from all of your segments. For example, if you don't want to target government organizations, then you could add .gov as a Website Not Contains global filter.

Email Preference

Select if you would like to prioritize personal or business emails in your search. The data can often have a mix of both. The Data Cleaning app splits business and personal emails into separate columns and creates a best email column that prioritizes your preference, but still returns the other if your preference is not available.


Select title contains, title not contains, company not contains, and website not contains filters that you want applied on all your lists.

You still have the option in the Data Cleaning app to make an exception to have global filters not apply.


You have the ability to filter different lists different ways.


Segment 1: Marketing Leaders

Title Contains: marketing, digital, advertising

Title Not Contains: assistant, intern, recruiter, consult

Company Not Contains: consult, staffing, digital, agency

Website Not Contains: .edu, .gov, .org

Segment 2: Sales Leaders

Title Contains: sales, sdr, bdr, development

Title Not Contains: assistant, intern, recruiter, consult

Company Not Contains: consult, staffing, digital, agency

Website Not Contains: .edu, .gov, .org


Configure title contains, title not contains, company not contains, and website not contains for different segments.

You can have up to 3 Segments.

Last updated