Linkedin Analytics
Navigate to Linkedin Campaign Analytics.
Select the Linkedin Campaign to view the analytics.
Last 7 Days of Activity
You can view your last 7 days of activity in graph form. This currently tracks
Connection Requests Sent
Follow Up Messages Sent
Linkedin Account Analytics
Analytics on your Linkedin account across all campaigns combined.
The account that's associated with this campaign.
Number of connection requests sent today.
Number of follow up messages sent today.
The account status.
Linkedin Outreach Analytics
Get an overview of how your campaign is performing.
Total number of connection requests sent in this campaign
Your acceptance rate
Number of new connections from this campaign.
Number of follow ups sent.
inMail Outreach Analytics
You can view inMail analytics
Number of inMail sent in this campaign.
A link to a Google Sheet containing the prospects in inMail outreach.
Contacts Analytics
You can view analytics on your contacts in the campaign.
Contacts in Linkedin Campaign
Contacts Remaining in Linkedin Campaign
Contacts in inMail Campaign
Contacts Remaining in inMail Campaign
Campaign Statuses
You can view Campaign Statuses and use this to debug anything that may be wrong with your campaigns.
Campaign Settings - You can edit your campaign settings.
Account - Reconnect expired accounts.
Linkedin List - Edit a Linkedin list.
inMail List - Edit a inMail list.
Sequence - Edit a Sequence
Last updated